Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Diet To Burn Fat : A Lifeline As Close As Your Mailbox United States Postal Service Helping Seniors Out

Diet To Burn Fat : A Lifeline As Close As Your Mailbox   United States Postal Service Helping Seniors Out

Diet To Burn Fat : A Lifeline As Close As Your Mailbox United States Postal Service Helping Seniors Out - several homebound, disabled or senior citizens may not be aware that the USPS offers a couple of methods that can provide piece of mind that someone is checking on them once a day and will even bring your mail to your front door under certain circumstanceshe Carrier Alert techniqueIn July 1982, the United States Postal Service and the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) launched Carrier Alert, a joint effort to partner with local social service agencies across the country to offer a measure of security for essentially the most vulnerable segments of our society-homebound citizensuring its 25-year history, Carrier Alert has used letter carriers' unique daily presence in America's communities to keep a watchful eye on elderly, infirm and disabled citizenshe value of the program has been repeatedly demonstrated as alert letter carriers have helped thousands of these citizens receive assistancen several cases, their actions have literally saved liveselivering mail to the same r ... [Read More - Diet To Burn Fat]

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Diet To Burn Fat : A Lifeline As Close As Your Mailbox   United States Postal Service Helping Seniors Out

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